Relax… i’ll begin with post-hypnotic suggestion and after, if the person here is a good subject, regression. now, Ms. Gamble, I want you to try if you can to imagine that you see— —i see it. what? a window. that’s right. a window. now, keep staring at the window until slowly, very slowly the window begins— —it’s open. that’s right. and now, the dark of night… oh, well, you know the rest. go on. It happened at the end of April, May, It was a nice spring, flowers everywhere, dandelions, I was picking dandelions, I wanted to… make like a dandelion syrup or honey. My mom was telling me that ‘’You know what? don’t worry about that’’ So I had to throw away all the dandelions, she told me ‘’Don’t take them because you know… it’s maybe not good, it’s not a good time…” she didn’t really explain it too much to me. “Just throw them away, I don’t think this is going to work, yeah?” Hey buds below, up is where to grow… Well, in the East Bloc, they always organized a “Peace Race”. It was like a bicycle race. It was a huge event. It’s kind of like the Tour de France. That race usually covered a trail from Prague to Warsaw to Kyiv, in Ukraine. How do you feel? …Fine. In 1986, it was a nice spring. Everything was flowering, there were dandelions everywhere, our garden was full of dandelions. They are technically weeds. So everything was yellow. It looked very nice! You have, I don’t know. A couple weeks? Maybe up to a month to collect dandelions if you want to do anything with them. Scott? What was that? I don’t know… Some kind of mist? There were lots of discussions whether to detour it, or to cancel it… but obviously they didn’t want to cancel it because they would send a big message to people that something is going on, it was huge, yeah? We didn’t have access to much information. They only release whatever they want and it all seems very… good. Everything was fine, yeah? But there were leaks. There were ways to get access to some closer information. You know, I was 15. I was taking care of completely other stuff. With my friends, we didn’t talk about it. No one talked about it. In school, no one said anything. Nothing. Life was going on in a normal way. Nothing was going on, absolutely nothing. It was just another day. Can you do any other… tricks? Come on, you can trust me. I make flowers grow. You make flowers grow? Fast. I mean fast. And how do you do that? I don’t know. But after a few weeks, after about a month or so, step by step those dandelions are not flowering anymore. The flower part develops in to a different shape and different colour. It’s kind of like a very soft cotton-like sphere. The wind actually helps those seeds to spread around. Have you been exposed to any type of radioactivity in the past 6 months? The government didn’t release any guidelines for protection. The wind is spreading dandelions, so the radiation spreads as well. It was all mixed up, the wind, and then those seeds… It’s kind of like snowing. It went everywhere so how are you supposed to protect yourself, you know? It went on the fields, on veggies, on flowers… everywhere. Wait a minute… that day we were on the boat, Charlie’s boat, remember? The mist…. that mist… Every year on May 1st, we had a First of May Parade. That parade was kind of like a celebration of our successes, development, all the companies present themselves… You had to go outside and celebrate and walk everyone was on the streets, they were greeting each other. The way it was organized you pretty much have to go. There wasn’t… you would stay home and you had a day off… Nothing like that. You had to go. Nothing was cancelled, nothing. It was kind of illegal and dangerous to talk about something negative about Russia,like about government… You couldn’t say anything, nothing. They would be able to take your whole family and send you somewhere in Siberia and put you in jail just to not release any numbers. They could do everything. Anything. If there were other bursts of radiation, other clouds drifting across seas and continents, would other beings follow me in to this vast new world? But life is going on, yeah? You have to go to work, we have to eat something, we have to drink something. But how are you going to protect yourself? At some point you have to eat and drink. I don’t know, at the time someone brought the idea, let’s make a dandelion honey. Let’s pick flowers and mix it with sugar, we’ll see what’s gonna happen… I actually never made it.